Friday, June 22

The glorious road to victory

Screaming and kicking I fell down,
Biting the dust on the ground;
Falling deep in the abyss,
I realize my true spirit.

I get dragged hard,
With the ace of clubs and the rest of the cards;
I have fallen deep,
deeper than I thought.

I take a look beyond the hills
Gathering a sense of all my skills
I know I have fallen
I can’t look back now

I march ahead to glory
The darkness inside
I know its confounding
The walls around me now!!


Sunil said...

well the name of the blog stemmed from the b-school culture, cant shrug off that effect. well your poem strange thou it sounds is resonating with the HR mantra. you are taking too much of that DOS into yout life. Shrugg off and join the rat race as i ve done....thats i think is the way a true b-schooler shud behave :)

मैं शायर बदनाम said...

hey even though it is ironical just to tell u some facts, the poem was written much before i joined in for my MBA, i have always been plagued by these existential questions. may be HR is doing its rounds in your head far often, take care man

Saish said...

So U have not changed in past few year.That something new to hear.

Is it the system, you are blaming for landing up in deep shit or just You?

मैं शायर बदनाम said...

i am not blaming anyone, am just talking about the circumstances. if at all someone has to be blamed it would have to be me. the system is not going to change!!

Unknown said...

Simply Superb Lines Sir...