Tuesday, January 27

Happy New Year

I am not one for New Year Resolutions. They are like a prostitute's promise of virginity. They last only for a night. With a tinge of blood spilled, all innocence is lost and all promises are forgotten. You move on, the virgin moves on and, hanging in mid-air, remains, the promise of virginity. Despite all this, I have made a few Old Year resolutions (they were made throughout the year of 2008) and like the lover, estranged, comes to the bed next night, seeking virgin promise. I have come back to fulfill a few of mine to keep the momentum of breathing going. Here is a list of the promises I made to myself and known only to me are the ones on the road of fulfillment :-)

  1. Learn to Play guitar
  2. Get a tattoo
  3. Learn Boxing
  4. Climb a few more mountains
  5. Watch all the kind of movies I like to watch
  6. Watch as many plays, go to as many concerts so on and on
  7. Travel extensively -
  8. take a 3-4 day trip once every 2-3 months
  9. Have a month long holiday every year for traveling
  10. Trek as often as possible
  11. Photograph extensively
  13. ................
  14. .......................
  15. .............................
  16. ................................
nth. Make a movie

Here is to never losing our virginity.

I Make A Promise

I make a promise;
When tears fall
& roll down the cheeks.

I make a promise;
When moonlight flickers
gently caressing green leaves.

I make a promise;
When muscles twitch involuntarily
going into spasm.

I make a promise;
When from the corner of my eyes
I see hope clad in black.

I make a promise;
Rocking slowly in the balcony
night breeze promising to carry me over.

I make a promise;
When I close my eyes, see you
& remember me making a promise.