You are trapped in the quagmire of life, you go about living your life as though there aren't many choices around you, as though you are wearing blinkers, unaware of what lies besides you. Wake up and try to understand what choices you make for yourself and for others around you. You make a difference whether you know it or not, you change everything!!!
Caught in the stigma of you, you see only you and the pain that is you and then probably you realise there is no such thing as
The day the beckoning happens the subjugation ends the soul rises to claim you from you :you are HIM and the pain.... ends
Fear and Anxiety, makes u feel that you are No-One and u cant change NEthing around U.
But, actually U can make choices of leading a life that u aspire too. Along with these choices comes many sacrifices and pain.
Though easier said then done. Would love to be one such man.....
The fun is in putting in the effort towards being that person.....
even if u find momentary pain in those actions...
there is no translation, only your interpretation.
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